Our Common Future Under Climate Change

International Scientific Conference 7-10 JULY 2015 Paris, France



The detailed programme is available in two versions:

  • A detailed listing of all the events (Plenaries, Large parallel sessions, Parallel sessions (oral and poster), Special sessions, Social Event, etc.)
  • A synoptic version, allowing a more comprehensive view of each day


Check-in & Ice-breaker on Monday 6 July

  • 5:00 - 7:00 pm: Check-in at UNESCO Headquarters (Participants will be given the conference material - Registration fees must be paid ahead of the conference)
  • 7:00 � 9:00pm: Ice�breaker at UNESCO Headquarters


All posters are currently being distributed accross the different poster sessions and the two sites (Jussieu and Unesco). Detailed information will be available shortly and an email sent to each poster contributor in that sense.

Speaking time (parallel sessions)

Allotted time for each speaker in the parallel sessions might not be available in the detailed programme. In this case, we recommend that you directly contact the conveners.

Opening and Closing Plenary sessions

More information will be available soon on the content of the opening and closing plenary sessions. Officials will be attending those sessions.

Pay Attention !

We�ve noticed that emails sent from the Secretariat are often misdirected in SPAM mails. We therefore invite you to pay attention to this, as you�ll be receiving important information in the home stretch of the conference (badges, guidelines for speakers presentations, etc.)