Organizers : Paris VI UPMC, LOCEAN, Paris, France and Instituto del Mar del Per� (IMARPE), Per�
Date : July 9th
Location : R�fectoire des Cordeliers, Paris, France
Expected number of participants : 100-250
Nature of participants : Mix of scientists, artist and stakeholders - general public, media, private sector, policy managers
Keywords : ocean under stress, ocean acidification, oxygen minimum zones, climate change, science, art, philosophy and society
Keynote speakers :
- D. Ruiz Pino Universit� Pierre et Marie Curie Paris VI, Locean, Paris, France
- C. Turley Plymouth marine laboratory PML, Plymouth, United Kingdom
- M. Graco Instituto del Mar del Peru, Chemical oceanography, Lima, Peru
- L. Beaufort CEREGE, Aix-marseille university, Aix, France
- Nina Bednarsek - NOAA Affiliate
- M. Boy� LEMAR, UBO, Brest, France
- G. De Lagasnerie Ecole d Art de Pontoise, Paris, France
- M. Revault D'Allonnes Universit�s a l'Ecole Pratique des Hautes �tudes , Paris, France
- Other invited speakers