Organizers : INRA, Paris, France, CIRAD, Montpellier, France, IRD, Eco&sols; research unit, Montpellier, France
Date : July 7th, from 4pm to 7pm
Location :� INRA, 147, rue de l'Universit�, Paris, France
Expected number of participants : 1-50
Nature of participants : Research scientists, representatives of international agencies and of ministeries
Keywords : Carbon sequestration, Soil, Ecosystem services, Food security
Keynote speakers :
R. Lal Ohio state university, School of natural resources, Columbus - ohio, United States of America
L. Montanarella EC-JRC, Soil bureau, Ispra, Italy
P. Smith Aberdeen University, Soils and global cahnge, Aberdeen, United Kingdom
C. Chenu AgroParisTech, Ecosys research unit, Paris Grignon, France
R. Valentini University of Tuscia, Agrofood and forest, Viterbo, Italy
P. Ciais LSCE, Gif sur Yvette, France
J. Mousset ADEME, Agriculture, Angers, France
H. Haberl Vienna University, Social ecology, Vienna, Austria
M. Bernoux IRD, Eco&sols;, Montpellier, France
M. Le Henaff Minist�re de l'Agriculture, de l'Agro-alimentaire et de la For�t, Paris, France
C. Kao Minist�re de l'Agriculture, de l'Agro-alimentaire et de la For�t, Paris, France
D. Arrouays INRA, Infosol, Orleans, France
J. Jeagermeyr PIK, Earth system science, Postdam, Germany
Z. Bai WUR, Isric, Wageningen, Netherlands
P. Gerber World Bank, New-York, United States of America
L. Lipper FAO, Roma, Italy
A. Franzluebbers USDA, Raleigh, United States of America
M. Scholten WUR, Animal sciences, Wageningen, Netherlands
A. Karsenty CIRAD, Montpellier, France
P. Canadell Global Carbon Project, Canberra, Australia
D. Bossio CIAT, Nairobi, Kenya
B. Campbell CIAT, Nairobi, Kenya
Jean-Luc Fran�ois AFD, Paris, France
Sebastien Treyer IDDRI, Paris, France
Beno�t Leguet CDC Climat, Paris, France
Tant�ly Razafimbelo R�seau Carbone du Sol pour une Agriculture Durable en Afrique
Nicolas Baghdadi P�le Theia (t�l�d�tection surfaces continentales), Paris, France