Our Common Future Under Climate Change

International Scientific Conference 7-10 JULY 2015 Paris, France

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  • 135 The stakeholders at the crossroad between climate change and biodiversity



Organizers : French fondation for research on biodiversity (FRB) and OREE Paris, France
Date : July 8th, from 5pm to 7pm
Location : Paris, France
Expected number of participants : 100-250
Nature of participants : stakeholders, political decision-makers, researchers
Keywords : biodiversity, stakeholders, feedbacks
Keynote speakers :
  • Patricia SAVIN (Pr�sidente d�OR�E)
  • Jean-Fran�ois SILVAIN (Pr�sident de la FRB)
  • Luc ABBADIE (Universit� Pierre et Marie Curie)
  • Gr�gory BEAUGRAND (CNRS)
  • Sandra LAVOREL* (Universit� Joseph Fourier de Grenoble � Acad�mie des sciences)
  • Daniel BAUMGARTEN (S�ch� environnement � Pr�sident du Conseil d'orientation strat�gique de la FRB et Pr�sident du Groupe de travail Reporting RSE d�OR�E)
  • Michel TROMMETTER (INRA � Pr�sident du Groupe de travail Biodiversit� et �conomie d�OR�E)
  • Un repr�sentant d�EDF*


OR�E, an Non Governmental and not profit organisation, brings companies and local authorities together so as to develop a thought process on their environmental impacts and, in particular, on environmental management and its practical implementation at the landscape level.

FRB is the French science-policy-society platform dedicated at supporting research and knowledge exchange for biodiversity and ecosystems. It has been created in 2008, impulsed by the Ministry of Research willing to gather together the eight major French research institutes. Last year FRB board was opened to members from the private sector and the company LVMH was the first to join.

Both organisations propose a side-event about ecological feedbacks to climate change in order to explain links between climate and biodiversity. Our purpose is to demonstrate that some pressures on climate and on biodiversity could be the same and therefore there is a double interest to act to reduce these pressures if the two aspects are well analysed. By the experience collected by OREE by his members, we could present some solutions built by economic actors, which are beneficial for both climate and biodiversity. But, to go farther, we will present also some threats on biodiversity and their indirect consequences on climate and explain that there is a urge need to protect and restore biodiversity to act for climate. Some examples of actions will illustrate the capacity of actors to contribute to the target established by Governments. Finally, we propose to demonstrate there is a necessity to take into account biodiversity in strategies on climate.

This side-event will profit directly from the parallel session �ecological feedbacks to climate change� in which FRB is involved and will introduce documents from FRB and OR�E which explain how stakeholders are concerned by these issues and can produce example of good practices.